Skaftafell, IcelandSkaftafell, Iceland

The South #3 – Canyon, glacier…and a car

Note: It has been quite a while…we are already back, left the tent behind and enjoy the memories. However for our dear followers we of course want to complete our Iceland adventure here *smiley smiling*

Leaving the Thankgil campsite behind, after a very nice and – thanks to the sun – warm breakfast, we made our way back to the ring road.

Our motor still protestet various times on the way, but we decided to worry about it, when it wouldn’t start at all anymore. If everything goes wrong, we just put up the tent next to the car and wait for “the guy” from the car rental to come and fix the issue *smiley winking*

Iris has seen some pictures on Pinterest when looking about destinations in Iceland, we want to visit – and the Fjadrargljufur canyon was one of them…

Simply an amazing piece of art – carved out by a river over thousands of years *smiley smiling*

And the best of it…

Continue reading The South #3 – Canyon, glacier…and a car

th23 User Management – version 2.0.1 released

Just recently we released a brand new and totally re-written version of the th23 User Management plugin for WordPress!

This plugin allows all user management activities like login, user profile, register, lost password, etc. to be done via the themed frontend of your website. Access for user groups to unstyled admin area can be restricted and wp-login.php can be disabled. Users will only see the nicely styled side of your page *smiley smiling*

The plugin is in action for all user handling on this page – so you can see it in action in the sidebar…

Find all details, examples/ screenshots and the optional Professional extension on the plugin page

th23 Media Library Extensionth23 Media Library Extension

th23 Media Library Extension

While the WordPress Media Library out of the box already caters for all basic needs for managing media items (especially pictures) for your blog or website, there were some “gaps” I ran into when using it…out of this the th23 Media Library Extension plugin developed.

The th23 Media Library Extension plugin…

  • Adds a context link to Posts and Pages overview site for direct access to all attached media items
  • Provides advanced filter options in the Media Gallery to select media attached to a specific post
  • Allows to un-/re-attach media items to any Post or Page via a context menu in the Media Gallery overview

Continue reading th23 Media Library Extension

Mulu National Park, MalaysiaMulu National Park, Malaysia

Mulu – caves and bats

Coming from Brunei and getting back into Malaysia was easy – bus starting off directly in front of our hotel, leaving us 30 minutes for the breakfast buffet in the lobby *smiley smiling* However all buses in Malaysia and Brunei seem to originally have been fridges now just with addition of some wheels… *bibber*

Defrosting in Miri was easy with temperatures well above 30 degrees. Overall this city is only a necessary stop over place for us and in general more an oil-industry than a tourist town. We found a nice spot to stay for the night at the Dillenia Guest House and spent the afternoon exploring the city.

Next morning, again a flight because the other option involves hours and hours on small boats with transfers at various places and/ or some serious trekking through the jungle along the “headhunters” trail.

Continue reading Mulu – caves and bats

Sepilok, MalaysiaSepilok, Malaysia

Sepilok – or Orang-Utans up close

Coming from the Kinabatangan jungle area we decided to skip Sandakan city due to some well phrased comments in guide books („light on must-see attractions“) and advise from fellow travellers coming the opposite direction („quite ugly city without anything to see“) and headed strait to Sepilok.

What is Sepilok?

But honestly it is partially a sad story…

Continue reading Sepilok – or Orang-Utans up close

WordPress and HostEurope

In general getting WordPress installed on webspace at HostEurope goes very smoothly – however using the automatic update function or sending notification mails to users caused some problems to me initially.

In order to get both thing to work properly, I put together a very tiny plugin called th23 HostEurope Fix – for use, just download it, extract the zip-file and upload the folder “th23-hosteurope-fix” into the plugin directory of your WordPress installation. Activate like any other plugin via the “Plugins” section in the WordPress admin area, and you are done.

Continue reading WordPress and HostEurope

Hong KongHong Kong

Last, but not least…Hong Kong, once again ;-)

After the extensive wedding celebration week in Melbourne it was finally time to leave Australia behind and head on to Hong Kong to meet old friends and indulge in some nice last-minute x-mas shopping rush

Our way from Melbourne to Sydney was a bit different than planned – all I say here: NEVER fly Tiger Airways, unless you wanna end up on a plane that gets cancelled without notice – but this way we both got the new experience of buying a ticket for a plane that leaves in only an hour directly at the airport :lol:

Sadly enough, there was another last-minute change…and Pete (an old friend of Iris) had to leave early back to Germany so we missed him *smiley crying* Nevertheless our special thanks to Pete for the most luxurious accommodation throughout our 6 months journey *smiley surprised*

Continue reading Last, but not least…Hong Kong, once again *smiley winking*

Sydney, AustraliaSydney, Australia

Sydney – all about water…

On the way back to Australia we discovered a new feature in Qantas’ board entertainment system…the seat-to-seat chat. For sure we extensively used it and Iris convinced me, not to send any flirt messages randomly around the cabin as the system tells you the seat number of the sender

After getting started for our “adventure” with the Sydney bus system (if you ever have some spare time, I am happy to listen to whoever feels confident to explain it to me) we spent some time exploring The Rock (no movie, just the city area close to the Harbour Bridge) an it’s surroundings…

Continue reading Sydney – all about water…

Bay of Islands, New ZealandBay of Islands, New Zealand

North Island – in a rush…

What happens if you don’t really plan in advance? Sure, we all know…but it happens anyway We had not enough time to really fully explore the north island of New Zealand after spending most of the one month in the beautiful and spectacular south!

Boarding the ferry on the south island in Picton gives you some very nice views of the northern fjords…

Continue reading North Island – in a rush…