i18n load_plugin_textdomain best used the simple way

This an easy and short one, but the documentation on WP.org for the load_plugin_textdomain function might lead you into the wrong direction, if you start thinking about how to define the 2nd and 3rd parameter.

For a simple plugin, it is best to use the translate.wordpress.org repository for translations. This way the different strings can be translated individually directly online and you do not need to worry about having the right .po and .mo files updated within your plugins repository.

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i18n Internationalization and Translation for plugins

Until a few days ago, I would never have envisioned to write a posting about i18n in WordPress… And then I started the task to make my plugins ready for translation by the community at translate.wordpress.org.

i18n stands for internationalization = I + 18 charachters + N

While working my way through the principles and standards to use, I realized that there are quite some things you should consider and have to do in a certain way – let me touch some of them over a few posts…

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th23 Media Library Extensionth23 Media Library Extension

th23 Media Library Extension

While the WordPress Media Library out of the box already caters for all basic needs for managing media items (especially pictures) for your blog or website, there were some “gaps” I ran into when using it…out of this the th23 Media Library Extension plugin developed.

The th23 Media Library Extension plugin…

  • Adds a context link to Posts and Pages overview site for direct access to all attached media items
  • Provides advanced filter options in the Media Gallery to select media attached to a specific post
  • Allows to un-/re-attach media items to any Post or Page via a context menu in the Media Gallery overview

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